As many of you may know, I was pregnant with my second child. If you’ve seen any of the real estate video house tours I did with Point B Realty, you’ll know I kept busy until the very end. What woman doesn’t want to see herself on video when she’s 39 weeks pregnant? Not I, but for some reason with this pregnancy, I wanted to do as much as possible. Perhaps the thought of having a newborn and a toddler, made me think that I would not be able to do a lot, but we all know that won’t be the case.

Our little boy was due April 3rd. Rumor has it that your second baby will come early, but of course not ours. He decided that he wanted to come on his own schedule, as did his big sister, Charly (Charlotte who is 21 months). So, we waited, and waited a bit more, which is definitely hard at that point, since I felt like I was going to pop. On Monday, April 9th, we welcomed our baby boy, 7-pounds, 9-ounces, 20.5 inches long. He was born at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, at 7:26 pm, in room 3, same as his big sister, which is rumored to have good mojo, according to one of the nurses.
It was comforting to be in the same space, and even the birthing beads were still hanging from the same light fixture as during our 2010 visit with Charly. I have to say that this was an even better birth experience. My labor was shorter. I was induced again, but with only Nancy Hugger, Cathy Chase, and Matt, my husband present, it seemed more intimate and relaxed. We are really lucky to have had two great births at the MV Hospital.

Though we had Charlotte’s name months in advance, we could not agree on a name for this baby before his birth. I was certain that once I saw him, the name would just come to us. However, it did not happen like that. It took us a couple of days to name him. On Tuesday morning, he was Carter, but that was not a favorite among our family members.
So we went back to the drawing board, and Matt created yet another list. On Wednesday morning, after many hours of talking about it and looking at him, we decided we both liked Anderson for his first name, and James as his middle name, after my father. Now the big debate is whether we call him Andy or AJ? One thing I am excited about is that I can finally order monogrammed stuff!

One of things I was most nervous about with this pregnancy was the thought of going home and having two little ones under the age of 2, yes, I now have to say kids, plural, which is still hard to swallow. I was also worried about introducing Anderson to Charly.
For the most part, she has been wonderful with him, a great big sister. She is helpful, and wants to share all sorts of fun things with him. I am frequently finding wooden letters or goldfish in his blanket and bouncy seat. It is tough to divide my time between them, but we are learning our routine. And I am learning to redefine myself as a mother of two, who will do her darndest to maintain my identity through it all.
As I continue to adjust, I am committed to at least one On Point blog post a week. Also please remember that I love any ideas you may have for posts, espcially right now and to “Like” us on Facebook and “follow” us on Twitter.
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Can’t wait to meet AJ in person (I’m his very proud great-aunt!)