Each summer for the past 10 years, I get excited when it’s Fair time. The rides, the animals, the crafts, and all the fair food.
There’s so much to do and so much to see. This year’s theme just happens to be “Sharing Fair Memories.”
Part of Sharing Fair Memories includes reminiscing about the food. Most people have traditions regarding their fair food consumption.
One of the first places I visit is the West Tisbury’s Firefighter’s Civic Association burger booth.
Not sure what it is about those burgers but they’re just plain awesome! You can smell them from the parking lot, and unless the gates just opened, there’s usually a line of hungry fair goers.
I caught up with Fire Chief Manny Estrella to see if I could find out the secret of those burgers that we wait for all year long.
For at least 30 years, the burger booth has been a part of the Ag Fair tradition. The booth is manned by all volunteers. There are firefighters, their significant others, friends, community members, and kids.
It takes a lot of work to keep hungry people fed at the fair. In early to prep, late to clean up, and it’s really a labor of love.
When I asked him what the special secret was with the burgers, he was very humble, and said there was nothing special added. All the ingredients come from Cash and Carry.
For the Chief, he likes a good ole cheeseburger, a bun, beef and cheese, a classic. I did at least manage to get what type of cheese they use, American. American cheese does taste darn good on a burger.
Or maybe it’s the fact that you can get a “loaded” burger, piled high with grilled onions and peppers. You can even make it a double burger which I think makes it a mega awesome meal for even the most voracious appetite.
Perhaps it’s the grills the volunteers use, the devotion people have to making the burgers, or the just because the Ag Fair, but these burgers are one of the first things they enjoy at the fair. Once I have mine in a couple of days — I promise to get a picture!
Why These Burger Are So Special?
Not only are the burgers good, but they do good. All the money raised during the four days goes back to the community.
Keep all this in mind when you find out that the burgers have increased in price this year, $7 for a burger and $8 for a cheeseburger. It’s been about five years since there’s been a change.
The monies raised go to welfare baskets to firefighters who get injured (hopefully none), Thanksgiving baskets for the elderly in need, and the annual Christmas party for the kids of West Tisbury.
Not only are members and supporters of the fire department working hard in the hot burger booth, they are also in charge of the parking at the fair. The money you may grunt and groan about paying does a lot of good for the community.
Half of the parking fees goes to the Ag Society, and the other half goes directly to the scholarship funds that the fire department gives out annually to high school seniors, or college freshmen or sophomores.
And, a fun fact is that many of the young adults you see helping out have received a scholarship.
Thanks for reading the On Point Blog. You can learn more about the Martha’s Vineyard Ag Fair on Facebook. And speaking of social media, don’t forget to “Like” us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter, Linked In, Google+, Pinterest and YouTube.
I am looking for 3 posters from 2014 fair
Hi Nancy – I’d call Eleanor at the Ag Society.
Hi, I’m trying to find an original version of this “come to the fair” sign that I can photo shop for a bat mitzvah. Do you still have it and could you share it with me?
Hi – your best bet is to contact Eleanor at the Ag Society. Good luck!