Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Fundraiser – When Point B started the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Fundraiser eight years ago, in a tiny room at the Harbor View Hotel, we could only dream that it would become the successful fundraiser that it is now.
More than $170,000 dollars has now been raised in those eight years for the Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club. The drive has helped fund some key after-school programs, and in the last two years, has supported and covered the entire cost of the vital Healthy Happy Kids food program.

Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite
Year after year, we have added bears, added new events like the Teddy Bear Trot 5K Run & Walk, and Teddies Around Town, and more. All have helped the holiday fundraiser become a fun family staple during Christmas in Edgartown, and for so many Islanders and visitors alike, the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite has become a quintessential holiday experience on Martha’s Vineyard.

$171,000 Raised For Boys & Girls Club In 8 Years
With the addition of this year’s fundraising drive, the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite has raised a total of $171,030 for the Boys & Girls Club, since we began in 2011. We’re so proud of this accomplishment and for all the supporters who have helped us raise the money, and helped build awareness for the Club, and its vital role in the community.

Healthy Happy Kids Food Program
How has the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Fundraiser made a difference over the last eight years? Among a few of the highlights — the money raised has helped fund tutors for the Homework Club, helped with facility updates, and over the last two years, paid for the launch of the vital food program Healthy Happy Kids.
H2K now serves more than a third of the island’s school-age children substantial healthy snacks and meals during the week. It has already made a big difference on childhood hunger and food insecurity on Martha’s Vineyard.

Point B Community & Fundraising Support
We have been committed to helping the hundreds of children who are in need of the Club’s services. Did you know the Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club charges only $20 for an entire school year of after-school care? With this affordable cost to parents, the Club has a lot of fundraising work to do to provide the best for all these kids.

Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Many To Thank
To all those who supported the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Fundraiser, donors big and small, businesses, and those who donated gifts in kind, we thank you. We thank you for helping make a difference in the food scarcity problem on Martha’s Vineyard. Also, a special thanks to Nikki Sedacca for letting us use her Nevin Square store, as the home for this year’s Teddy Bear Suite!

It is our hope to continue to address this problem and do even more to help the people in our community who struggle on a daily basis.

To find out more about the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite, a place where holiday memories are made, visit Here you can learn all about our fundraising efforts and about Healthy Happy Kids.
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