As a thirty-something, I get excited about the Martha’s Vineyard Ag Fair. I can’t even imagine how excited kids are about it. This year, my daughter Charlotte (Charly), who is 3, is really excited.
She knows there are rides, and animals, and cotton candy, and games, but she is most excited about the project she has been working on for about six months with her preschool, First Light. And I have to admit that I am super excited to see the finished product
First Light has been entering projects since its first year back in 2005, and they have had their fair share of ribbon winning and honorable mentions.
Teacher Elizabeth Bonifacio has her students from the Toddler class and the Preschool class, help with the theme of the fair entry. Working collaboratively throughout the entire process, the kids focused on the theme of this year’s fair “Hog Wild for the Fair.”
All the ideas were written down, and the children voted on which was the best direction to take their fair project. The kids thought it would be fun to have a project that focused on what type of games pigs would like to play at the fair — ah, the creative juices from the five and under crowd. Once the theme was decided, the kids made lists of the materials they’d like to use. Then familes donated the items needed and it was time for the fun to begin!
Every Wednesday for six weeks, was fair day, which meant our day at home began with “Today I get to work on my pigs Mommy,” which Charly was very excited about.The kids would spend a portion of their day working on the project. Each child was involved, even those under two. There was something for everyone to do, so they could be a part of the project.

What Games Pigs Would Play at the Ag Fair?

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At First Light we believe all children are thinkers, researchers, and problem-solvers.Our emergent curriculum takes its lead from the interests of the children. Teachers observe the childrens’ play, document their interest, and work collaboratively with the children to shape the direction of the curriculum, thus making the learning experience more meaningful to them, which helps foster a love of learning.